Kinderspel LR 1000

Kinderspel in ruitme ZW V2
Kinderspel in ruimte ZW
Kinderspel in ruimte ZW V3
Kinderspel in ruimte FC
Kinderspel detail V2
Kinderspel detail V1

De duivel in mijn buik  Kanker-zooi   Kinderspel LR 1000



Child’s play

Series – Mortality
Oil on canvas
140 100 cm

child’s play
In a subtle way, this work shows that the youth can also be affected with al soorts of diseases. At first glance, not a hard image, but that’s not always necessary to address something. It makes you think and as a result of your thinking you are feeling



The first painting from the series Mortality is entitled Fucking cancer.

The reason for making this series is because my father has oesophageal cancer with metastasis to his lungs and the prospect is not good. Made for the emotional pain I’m experiencing, because I don’t want to lose my father. It feels as if I’m on this huge rollercoaster that takes me through all the feelings a person can possibly feel. The pain in my stomach is there because I’m watching a loved one deteriorate so much. The powerlessness I see in him. He faces death and how do I, does he, my brother, my partner and all other people close to him handle this?