Cindy samen met Koningin Máxima aan het einde van de opening

Koningin Máxima samen met Cindy en Lisette
Cindy samen met Koningin Máxima aan het einde van de opening
Koningin Máxima, Cindy en Lisette en Karin Fleur van de Cultuurkantine
Cindy en Lisette na afloop
WB Cindy 08
WB Cindy 09
WB CIndy 06
WB Cindy 07
WB Cindy 04
WB Cindy 05
WB Cindy 02
WB Cindy 03
WB Cindy 01


Jan  Natalya Lisette_project_Dossier


The file

This project makes it possible for a child in child welfare to be introduced to the visual arts. Together with an artist, they will be making a piece of art over the course of a few sessions.

The file 3.0
This time I worked with the younger girl, Cindy. A very nice, enthusiastic girl with a huge imagination. She was found of clays and maked her own stones. As a result of a selfpotrait we made one out of papier-mâché.